Having found themselves with a sudden surge of “free time” at the beginning of the Covid pandemic, three friends from college decided to make the most of it. Out of sheer boredom, The Stuff Our Kids Say (SOKS) was born.

While finding themselves at home more than usual, they all began to notice how their kids were constantly saying smart, insightful, and more often than not, deeply hilarious things. So, naturally, when a professional musician and a Speech Language Pathologist started talking about it, lyrics and melodies were pouring out. With a seemingly endless supply of quotes from their kids, the songs ideas began to take shape.

No topic is too outrageous for these three. Whether it be unicorn erasers, rubber chickens, or a 38 year old dad who never learned to tie his shoes, The SOKS are going to sing about it.

Support them now by checking them out on YouTube, Spotify, Apple music, Amazon music, or any other streaming service you prefer. You can even ask your smart device to “play The SOKS”.


Jim, Clay, & Rob

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Jim- Father of one, is a professional musician and voice over actor living in Nashville. TN. He writes, produces, sings, and is a multi instrumentalist for The SOKS.

Clay- Father of three, owns and operates a speech therapy business in Charleston, SC. He also runs a YouTube Channel called Mister Clay that focuses on early language development.

Rob- Father of two, is a guitarist who sells tires in his spare (TIRE JOKE) time (i.e he works for Michelin). He lives in Minnesota and makes hot dishes on the side.

Contact the SOKS for more info.